Loon Country Arts - Bemidji, MN (formerly Gallery North)

Showcase Artist

 Elisa Schaum Fused Glass   I started fusing glass about 15 years ago from a community education class and fell in love with the effects of kiln formed glass. Since then, I built my own studio and began taking classes to further my understanding and techniques. I find my joy (and food) is elevated when served or eaten from my handmade plates and bowls or simply displaying the beautiful glass inside or outside my home which is why I share my work with others. My pieces are one of a kind. My home and studio are located in Oak Grove, MN   

Website: Elisaschaumfusedglass.com Email: elisaschaum@hotmail.com

For more information on upcoming Artist Showcases or if you would like to be a featured artist, please contact us at: president@looncountryarts.org.
